Friday, July 26, 2024
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Civil War

Delta Force Captures Black Hat Officers in Germany

Four Army officers stationed in Vilseck, Germany, were arrested by Delta Force operators Tuesday morning as part of a White Hat initiative to identify...

White Hats Arrest Black Hats in New York State

White Hats on Sunday arrested a U.S. Army major and a command sergeant major who had pledged allegiance to Joseph Biden and were instructing...

Military and Trump Thwart Deep State Memorial Day Blackout

The White Hat partition of the United States military thwarted the Deep State’s attempt to cripple the U.S. power grid and cause mass chaos...

Marines and Corrupt FBI Clash at Camp Pendleton

U.S. Marines nearly got into a blazing firefight with corrupt federal agents Thursday afternoon when four FBI desperados arrived at Camp Pendleton’s gates claiming...

White Hats Disable Amphibious Cruiser that Attacked GITMO

White Hats on 1 January retaliated against the Wasp-class amphibious assault ship that staged a Christmas Day strike on Guantanamo Bay, crippling the 843-foot...


The enemy combatants who laid siege to Guantanamo Bay Christmas Day were a hodgepodge of treasonous troops and feckless federal agents who claimed they...

Deep State Strikes GITMO on Christmas

Armed forces loyal to the criminal Biden regime staged a Christmas Day Bay of Pigs-style assault on Guantanamo Bay but were repelled by White...

Gen. Berger’s Office Confirms Persons Killed by Marines Were Real U.S. Army Soldiers

After Marines under General David H. Berger’s command hosed down six U.S. Army personnel loyal to the criminal Biden regime in a blistering roadside...

Military Civil War Begins

A clash between White Hats and armed forces members loyal to the criminal Biden regime took place late Monday night south of Colorado Springs,...
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