Friday, July 26, 2024


GITMO Suspends Tribunals Amid Security Concerns; Massive Mobilization Sends Detainees to Guam

Citing security concerns, The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps and the Office of Military Commissions have decided to temporarily suspend tribunals at Guantanamo...

Lori Lightfoot Executed at GITMO

“I did more for Chicago than any mayor before me,” said Lori Lightfoot, as an anonymous soldier put a noose around his neck and...

JAG Sentences Lori Lightfoot to Death!

Lori Lightfoot acted like a rampaging baboon Wednesday morning upon entering GITMO’s south courtroom and coming face-to-face with Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall, whom...

Radical Muslim Operation Warp Speed Architect Hanged at GITMO

“Allahu Akbar,” convicted felon Moncef Slaoui shouted Monday morning as he stood atop the gallows at Guantanamo Bay and leered menacingly at the man...

DeSantis Denied Entry to GITMO Again; Military Threatens to Shoot Him Down

For reasons unknown, Florida Governor and presumptive presidential candidate Ron DeSantis seems desperate to once again access Guantanamo Bay, the infamous detention center where...

CIA Agent Who Abducted Gen. Berger Killed at GITMO

A Central Intelligence Agency operative who took part in the kidnapping of General David H. Berger in January was shot and killed Thursday morning...

JAG Convicts Operation Warp Speed Architect

On Thursday, the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps convicted Operation Warp Speed architect Moncef Slaoui on charges of treason and mass murder and...

Vaccine Scientist Hanged at GITMO

A sniveling Richard Tillyer, the vaccine scientist JAG sentenced to death last Friday, was cowering in the corner of his cell Tuesday morning when...

JAG Sentences Janssen Vaccine Scientist to Death

The United States Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps on Friday convicted and sentenced to death Janssen Pharmaceuticals scientist Richard Tillyer, who stood accused of...

Marines “Unalive” Clinton Clones in New York and San Diego

“The real epidemic was never Covid; it’s all the damn clones,” a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News after...

Jerome Adams Hanged at GITMO

On Monday, his head in a noose, former Surgeon General Jerome Adams had final words for Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall and the smattering...

Military Arrests Vaccine Scientist on Charges of Accessory to MASS Murder

United States Navy JAG investigators on Tuesday arrested a Janssen Pharmaceuticals executive on charges of “accessory to mass murder and negligent homicide” for misleading...
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