Friday, July 26, 2024
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President Trump

General Smith Briefs President Trump on Red Hats

General Eric M. Smith clandestinely visited Florida last week to brief President Trump on the “Red Hat threat,” a source in the general’s office...

Military Mobilizes Behind President Trump

A single email appears to have been the catalyst for a military mobilization in which four OV-22 Ospreys packed with heavily armed Marines departed...

JAG Arrests Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows for Treason

U.S. Navy JAG investigators on Wednesday arrested Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows for usurping constitutional law when she disqualified President Donald J. Trump...

Enter The “Red Hats”

A decentralized coalition of active duty and reservists calling themselves the "Red Hats" have claimed responsibility for the anomalous 4.8 magnitude earthquake that rocked...

White Hats Find FEMA/ATF Camped Near Quake’s Epicenter

One Hundred and fifty FEMA and ATF agents encamped at Hell Mountain Preserve near Tewksbury, NJ, following yesterday morning’s 4.8-magnitude quake, which rattled a...

JAG Arrests Deep State Georgia Judge

U.S. Navy JAG investigators on Thursday served a military arrest warrant on the criminal Georgia judge who rejected President Trump's request to discharge the...

JAG Arrests 4th Treasonous Colorado SCJ Melissa Hart

Colorado Supreme Court Justice Melissa Hart, one of the four justices who ruled in favor of striking President Donald Trump’s name from the state’s...

Merrick Garland Military Tribunal, Day I

The United States Navy Judge Advocates General’s Corps on Friday began but did not conclude the tribunal of Attorney General Merrick Garland, whom the...

White Hats Fortify Trump Properties

Navy SEALs at Mar-a-Lago. Marines stationed at President Trump’s Bedminster resort. Delta Force guarding Trump Tower and 40 Wall Street in New York City....

White Hats Investigate Trump Death Threat and “White Powder”

President Donald J. Trump has asked White Hats to investigate the origin of a suspicious "death threat" letter containing white powder that arrived in...

White Hats Foil (another) Plot to Assassinate President Trump

U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division officers on Wednesday arrested two men suspected of plotting to assassinate President Donald J. Trump at the CPAC conference...

Deep State Won’t See a Dime of Trump’s Money

When Deep State Judge Arthur Engoron—a man who looks like death walking—ruled that President Trump must pay $355 million in fines for allegedly overvaluing...
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