Saturday, July 27, 2024


White Hats: Montana Balloon Was Deep State, not Chinese

The reason the regime hasn't shot down (see edit at bottom) a "Chinese spy balloon" in U.S. airspace is that the silvery object seen...

The Adrenochrome Crisis

Western governments want their citizens to believe that Volodymyr Zelensky needs foreign funding—cash and weapons—to defeat or demoralize Russian forces or to enervate them...

Putin Destroys Adrenochrome Lab in Ukraine

Russian Special Forces on Tuesday raided and destroyed an “Adrenochrome farm” near the Ukrainian city of Shostka, where sinister forces tortured abducted Russian children...

Biden’s CIA Responsible for Brazil Riots

The Biden regime’s Central Intelligence Agency is responsible for instigating protests that rocked Brasília in the aftermath of a contentious election between the incumbent,...

Ukraine’s CGI WAR

Since the start of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine, the public has been inundated with images and video of alleged...

Military Arrests US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink

US Special Forces on Saturday arrested US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Ann Brink on charges of treason, after White Hats at Cyber Command discovered...

Former White Hat Officer Becomes GITMO Detainee

The former White Hat officer who encouraged airmen and dependents to embrace Covid-19 booster shots is now detained in a cramped cell at Guantanamo...

Biden Regime’s al-Zawahiri Scam Sham

Biden handlers Anthony Blinken, Alejandro Mayorkas, and CIA Director William Burns had hoped for an event (or series of events) to strengthen the regime’s...

Military Arrests DNI Avril Haines

Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines took a gunshot wound to the arm Tuesday morning when JAG investigators arrived at her Maryland home with...

Biden Doppelganger visits WHO in Geneva

While the real Joseph R. Biden sits in the sheltered confines of his Delaware mansion basement, his doppelganger, 83-year-old Arthur Roberts, is expected to...

The Monkeypox Agenda

Following a story that Monkeypox has arrived in the United States, the criminal Biden regime last week placed an order for millions of doses...

Putin: Pedophiles and Traffickers Hiding in Azovstal

If one believes the mainstream media, the final stand for the Ukrainian city of Mariupol began this week as Russian forces entered the massive...
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